Pastor Greg Linscott of Faith Baptist Church (and SharperIron) recently announced that he and his wife are expecting a son.
In the comment thread of that post, he makes reference to naming the son "Bauder Linscott."
Based on that comment and considering an earlier post of Greg's , I thought I would update a shirt he is offering on his web-site.
What do you think, Greg?
Just my thoughts,
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Bauder Linscott?
Thursday, September 28, 2006Posted by Frank Sansone at 1:53 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 26, 2006On Sunday, we finished our series on Elijah that we have been studying at the church. When we started this series before Mother's Day, I did not expect that we would still be on Elijah in September.
After studying the life of Elijah for the last few months, part of me feels like I just said "good- bye" to an old friend in Sunday's sermon. It has been encouraging and challenging to read and study the life of this man who James tells us "was subject to like passions as we are (James 5:17)." It is challenging to see this man of God rise up out of obscurity and boldly proclaim God's message to a king, queen, and nation that had rejected God's ways. It is encouraging to see God's provision for this man and remember that God will take care of His children. It is challenging to see this man of God standing against the prophets of Baal and praying earnestly for the rain that God brings. It is encouraging to remember that the same God who sent the rain in answer to Elijah's prayer desires that we bring our prayers to Him, as well.
One of the most encouraging things that showed up in the study for Sunday's message was thinking through the ramifications of Elisha's actions after Elijah was taken to heaven. When Elisha asks "Where is the God of Elijah?" and then God parts the Jordan, the simple, but very important truth rings out - the God of Elijah is still in control and the God of Elijah will continue to "shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him (2 Chronicles 16:9)."
We plan on adding the last sermon of this series on the church web-site this week and then have plans on making the entire series available soon (except for the one week when we were without electricity and could not record). I'll let you know when those plans are completed.
Just my thoughts,
Posted by Frank Sansone at 11:14 PM 2 comments
Labels: Christianity
Numbers and Verses
Friday, September 15, 2006One of the areas of study that has intriqued students of the Bible throughout the ages has been the study of Biblical numerology. Books have been written upon the subject and some individuals tend to make this a major theme in their preaching - being certain to point out any time significant numbers are used and reminding their listeners with certainty of what those numbers mean.
I will readily admit that there does seem to be a significance to some of the numbers that are in the Bible. For example, the numbers 3, 7, 12, 40, 666, etc. all seem to have a significance behind their use. Many people will state that 3 is perfection (because of the Trinity, etc.), seven is completion, etc. To a degree, I would think that there may even be some merit in some of those ideas, as well, but would caution about using these numbers to make any kind of point, since God does not give us the meaning of any of the numbers.
What I have found a couple of times,recently, however, is that not only the numbers in the TEXT of Scripture are being used as a basis of interpretation, but even the numbers that are in the DIVISIONS of Scripture are being used as part of the interpreation.
A while ago, someone game me a book entitled, What Hath God Wraught by William Grady. This book is subtitled A Biblical Interpretation of American History. Being an amateur historian, I thought it might be an interesting read. In chapter three, where he argues for the idea that America is mentioned in the Bible, I came across this interesting paragraph.
To find our nation in Scripture, one must tun from Revelation to Genesis, the book of beginnings, for it is not America's ignominious demise but rather her glorious conception that is magnified by the Holy Spirit. And as the number nine in Bible numerology just happens to be God's number for fruit bearing, we know where to find the birth announcement. In Genesis chapter 9, verse 27 (2+7=9), we read: "God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant." (italics his)
Recently, I also came across a post on SharperIron (in the forums) that used similar reasoning.
Please note first of all that there are 13 verses to this parable. This alone should send up a red warning flag. If the number 13 is involved, more than likely, a misunderstanding is forthcoming or, there is evil lurking.
Later in that same post, the auther commented:
12. National rejection, Kingdom takes on a mysterious form, Watch out for # 13. Mat. 13:11, 13:24, 13:31. 13:33, 13:44, 13:45, 13:47,
Now, despite the fact that I am not sure that 13 is unlucky for the people of God in the Bible (did not the walls of Jericho come down on the 13th time around the city?), there seems to be another more obvious problem with this thinking to me - we are talking about VERSE numbers and CHAPTER numbers here!
Our Bibles were not written in Hebrew and Greek with chapter and verse divisions already there. While there was some divisions in the Hebrew (O.T.) from around 200 A.D., the chapter divisions as we have them were created by Steven Langton in the 1200s A.D., and the verse divisions within the chapters were done in 1488 (O.T.) and 1551 (N.T.).
It seems incredible to me that someone could think that they are making a valid point regarding the significance of a verse or the interpretation of a verse based upon anything to do with chapter and verse numbers that did not exist for well over one thousand years after the verses were written.
Just my thoughts,
Posted by Frank Sansone at 11:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Christianity, Popular Posts
Special Day at Fellowship Baptist Church
I wanted to post this earlier this week, but do to some difficulty with the networking aspect of the computer that I use for pictures, it has been delayed until today.
Sunday was a special day for us at Fellowship Baptist Church of Salisbury.
In addition to our regular Sunday Morning Worship Service (in which we are still looking at the life of Elijah), we had a fellowship lunch and Baptismal service down at the Nanticoke River. This was the first Baptisms that we have had since our arrival down here in Salisbury and the first Baptisms that I have ever done as Sr. Pastor. (I had the privilege of Baptizing one other person when I was a Youth Pastor at Heritage Baptist Church in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey.)
The time of fellowship was great before the Baptismal service and the Baptisms went well. It was neat for me to help these three individuals take this step of obedience to the Lord. A special treat for me was the privilege of baptizing my own son, Josiah. As a father, it is a blessing to me to see the growth in his life. I also had the privilege of baptizing Victoria, who came to know Christ on our last Sunday in the old building, and Dave, who has been saved for a number of years, but had never before been baptized.
Having the baptisms at the river was a really nice touch. We do not have a baptismal at the church building (yet), so the location on the Nanticoke River seemed like an ideal spot. (Another church in the area had hosted a previous baptism in the winter by Pastor Wagner.) The Lord gave us good weather for the baptisms and the water was not too cold.
Below are some pictures of the baptisms that my wife took.
Praise the Lord for His working in these lives and in our church.
Just my thoughts,
Cross posted at The Pastor's Pen
Posted by Frank Sansone at 6:46 AM 2 comments
Labels: Christianity, Fellowship Baptist Church
A. W. Pink quote
Friday, September 08, 2006I would have loved to have heard A. W. Pink preach, at least judging by the way that he writes.
I have been preaching through the life of Elijah on Sunday mornings in our church for the last couple of months. (The first of those sermons is available here and here.) It has been an exciting and challenging study as we have examined the life of this man so greatly used of God and so repeatedly emphasized in the New Testament. It has been encouraging to me that Elijah is a man subject to like passions as we are (James 5:17), for it reminds me that service to God is not limited to those who are on some type of special plane, but that God can use me as well.
Anyway, in preparation for Sunday's message, I came across this excerpt from A.W. Pink in his book, Elijah.
‘And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was sick.' Here was where mercy was mingled with justice: here was where ‘space for repentance' was granted the idolatrous king. O how long-suffering is God! Ahaziah's fall did not prove immediately fatal, though it placed him on a bed of sickness, where he had opportunity to ‘consider his ways.' And how often the Lord deals thus, both with nations and with individuals. The Roman empire was not built in a day, nor was it destroyed in a day. Many a blatant rebel against Heaven has been pulled up suddenly in his evil career. An ‘accident' overtook him, and though it may have deprived him of a limb, yet not of his life. Such may have been the experience of someone who reads these lines. If so, we would say to him with all earnestness, Redeem the time that is now left you. You might now be in hell, but God has given you a further season (brief at the most) to think of eternity and prepare for it. O that His goodness may lead you to repentance! Today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your heart. Throw down the weapons of your warfare against Him and be reconciled to Him, for how shall you escape the everlasting burnings if you neglect His so-great salvation?
Just my thoughts (and A.W. Pink's thoughts),
Posted by Frank Sansone at 12:38 AM 1 comments
Labels: Christianity
I have been a baaaaaddd blogger
Saturday, September 02, 2006To the few of you who remain loyal readers, I am sorry that I have not posted anything lately.
I am coaching my son's U-10 soccer team this fall and we had our first game a week ago (we won 3-1) and my blogging time this week has been used to set up a web-site for our team. The site is called "Soccer Scribbles with Coach Sansone" and can be found at If you have any suggestions for the Soccer site, I would love to hear them.
I have also been in the process the last couple of weeks of preparing for the launch of another blog and trying to figure out a way to make some significant changes to the FFBC Forums. Hopefully this will be completed shortly and I can announce the launch of the blog and the improvements to the FFBC Forums.
In my real life, we are preparing as a church for a Baptismal service and picnic next Sunday (see my article on The Pastor's Pen for more details) and we are preparing as a family for school to start on Tuesday.
Just my thoughts,
Posted by Frank Sansone at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blogging