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Trial Redundancy by Scott Adams (of Dilbert Fame)

Friday, December 30, 2005

Tomorrow I intend to blog about an issue regarding trials and in particular the way that in our current system the trials occur in the media long before the actual trial takes place. However, to set that up, I want to draw your attention to a post by humorist Scott Adams on the problem of Trial Redundancy.

I know very little about Scott Adams other than that he writes the Dilbert comic strip and that he has a blog. I have been to his blog a few times now and find that it is often humorous and that at least a couple of times he has blogged about ID and the evolutionists stranglehold on the public education system. (Much to the chagrin of the "evolution is a fact, not a theory" crowd.)

Anyway, I read this post by Scott Adams that, while humorous, actually brings up an issue that needs to be considered.

Trial Redundancy

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of celebrities who have two trials for every one alleged homicide or molestation. First there’s the criminal trial, where the jury inevitably acquits him because of the high burden of reasonable doubt. Then there’s the civil trial and its lower burden of proof where the families of the victims try to make some cash out of the deal. Two trials for the same crime.

You and I are paying for this redundancy with our tax dollars! I say we band together as concerned (and cheap) citizens and change the law so that one trial handles the whole shebang. It’s easy, really. All you’d need to change is the verdict options. For example, juries could have the following choices:

Verdict Sentence
100% Guilty Kill him in a highly entertaining fashion and
give all of his stuff to the victim’s family.

Probably Guilty Just give his money to the victim’s family.

Slight Chance Set him free to date women who have inexplicably bad
He's Guilty judgment.

0% Guilty Execute the prosecuting attorney

It’s the last one that’s the real money saver. Before long, you’d weed out the prosecutors who really shouldn’t be in those jobs wasting our tax dollars anyway. It’s not a crime to attempt sending obviously innocent people to jail, but it should be. My plan would right that wrong too.

If my proposal doesn’t convince you to vote for me in the next presidential election, I can only assume you don’t make those decisions based on the issues.

Just his thoughts,


The Fair Tax

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

How much did you pay in taxes last year? If you think you got a rebate, you are way off! One of the premises of The FairTax Book is that the current tax system is so confusing and counterproductive that we don't even know what we pay in taxes and that, frankly, the system is broken.

I recently read The FairTax Book (a New York Times best seller) by Congressman John Linder and Radio personality (that is being generous) Neal Boortz.

I will preface this by saying that I have little like for Neal Boortz. I had not heard of him until I moved down here to Salisbury and found out that he is on the local talk station starting at 3:00 p.m. Since this falls in the time frame when I am in the car picking up my children from school (if I am the one getting them on a particular day), I have heard enough of his rudeness and ignorance to not be too impressed. He is unwilling to discuss issues like Abortion and he wrongly believes that Evolution is a Fact. Besides that, he just comes across like a real jerk to me with the way he treats callers and the purposely rude and obnoxious way he tries to make some of his points.

Having said that, I actually found the concept behind The FairTax Book to be something worth considering. The book is a simple and short read, but it basically boils down to replacing the income tax with a consumption tax. Now, before you think "I have heard that before" or before you jump to conclusions, there are some important things to consider regarding this plan, which I will get to momentarily.

For those of you who haven't read the book, a quick overview may be helpful here. The book consists of 16 small chapters (180 pages) and is written on a very simple level. They have a web-site which pre-dates the book and whose goal it is to get the Fair Tax initiated as law.

The Chapter titles give a good summary of what to expect as you read the book.

1 - The History of Our Income Tax
2 - ... Then Came Withholding
3 - The Myth of Corporate Taxes
4 - Our Current Tax Code - The Cost of Compliance
5 - The Embedded Costs of Our Tax Code
6 - Bringing American Business Back Home
7 - The Birth of the FairTax
8 - The FairTax Explained
9 - The FairTax Prebate: The Key to Fairness
10 - Underground and Offshore Economy ... Taxed at Last
11 - So We've Done It. What Happens to Our Economy?
12 - The Opposition - Where Will It Come From?
13 - Social Security and Medicare Under the FairTax
14 - Income Tax Outrages
15 - Questions and Objections
16 - Okay. Great Idea. So What Do We Do Now?

The first six chapters essentially set the table by discussing the current tax code and the problems of the current system. Particularly significant in this section is 1) a reminder of the subtle effect of withholding - it causes the typical taxpayer to be unaware of how much we are actually being taxed, 2) a reminder of the truth about corporate taxes - corporations don't really pay taxes, they just pass on the cost of the taxes to the consumers and 3) the high cost of compliance with the current system - an estimated $194 Billion in 2002.

The FairTax itself is then introduced, which is basically a straight consumption tax of 23% on all retail goods and services. There are a couple of key things that must be understood about this, however.

1. The book suggests that retail prices would essentially be remaining about the same once the FairTax is instituted since we currently are paying about 22% in embedded taxes for goods and 25% in embedded taxes for services already. In other words, we eliminate all the corporate taxes and taxes along the way to reaching a retail sale and the cost of the product is 22% less. Then we add the 23% onto it with a pretty close to zero-sum difference in cost we are paying.

2. We would have more money to pay with, since none of our earnings is taxed, only our consumption. Buy more things, pay more in taxes.

3. The fact that this tax is applied to retail purchases means that everything is only taxed once. No tax is paid on used items, etc.

4. Without the heavy corporate tax liability, there is no tax-advantage for U.S. companies to move off shore, keeping jobs at home.

5. This is just a change in the tax system, not in the amount of tax revenue. The rate has been determined by calculating in order to recieve the same amount of tax revenue as currently generated. The battle over how much is paid in taxes is a separate battle.

Now, you ask, WHAT ABOUT THE POOR? For any discussion that deals with taxes must come down to that. Well, the FairTax people have actually thought of that issue and have an answer for it - the FairTax Prebate. Essentially they take the figures that the government already figures to determine poverty levels, etc. and give everybody in America a check each month in the amount to cover what they should pay in taxes if they are going to buy enough to live during that month. So, for example, according to 2005 poverty figures, a married couple without children would receive a prebate for 366.83 a month - 1,595 x .23 - that would pay for their taxes on their basic living expenses each month.

Overall, I think the idea is a pretty good idea. While there are some similarities between this idea and the VAT of Europe, they are not the same (the VAT is added at various steps, the FairTax is only added at the retail level). I am not an economist (and I don't even play one on TV), but I think the idea is at least worth pursuing and refining as necessary.

Do I have any concerns? Yes.

1. The book paints a picture of all these American business coming back. Will that really happen? While some may be encouraged to come back, I don't think that taxes are the only thing that is driving business off shore. Eliminating the corporate taxes will place American made products on a better footing for sure, but less regulation, less litigation, and a cheap and eager work force also contribute to companies moving and these are not addressed by the plan.

2. After talking about the way in which we don't realize how much we pay in taxes because of withholding, it seems inconsistent to then place this tax imbedded into the retail price. In other words, if a newspaper actually only cost $0.77, the price would be listed as $1.00 with the 23 cents included before you see the price (state sales tax, etc. would then be added on as done currently in most states). Why not show the price as 77 cents and make people more aware of the 23 cents that represents the tax (and thus, hopefully, encourage fiscal restraint and an eventual lowering of the rate).

I am sure there are more, but those are two of the top of my head.

Just my thoughts,


File under Culture_War

2005 Family Christmas Letter

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Here is a copy of our 2005 Sansone Family Christmas Letter. Merry Christmas to all of those who do me the honor of reading "A Thinking Man's Thoughts."

Dear Family and Friends,

Christmas is a special time of year. We look forward to this time as a time to build special memories with the children and to make contact with families and friends that we sometimes lose contact with during the busyness of the year. We especially look forward to this season for the reminder that it brings us of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to the earth to live a sinless life and die a cruel death on the cross of Calvary to take away our sins. As Christina is fond of saying, "The thing I like best about Christmas is that it is Jesus' birthday."

This has been an eventful year in our lives. Starting last December 5, Frank began serving as Pastor of Messiah Baptist Fellowship in Salisbury, Maryland. We are excited to be down here in Salisbury and are excited to see what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of our church, but as in big move, there are a number of transitions that are difficult - not the least of which was leaving so many good friends back in New Jersey.

For the first couple months of 2005 we lived a little bit of a nomadic existence. We were still living in New Jersey and the kids were still enrolled in school up there, yet we were serving the church down here in Salisbury. That made for a lot of traveling as we waited to close on our house - Frank traveled down in the middle of the week for our Wednesday night prayer meeting and we traveled down as a family for the weekend. We appreciate the Insley family hosting Frank on Wednesday and the Berglind family for hosting the whole family on the weekends.

On February 28, we were finally able to close on our new house in Salisbury. We love the new house that God has provided. We have a nice big backyard with an above ground swimming pool (it got a lot of use this summer!) and the house is a three-bedroom house with a nice sunk-in living room. Lord willing and finances willing, one day we hope to convert the garage into a play room and a guest room.

Josiah (now age 9) began school at Faith Baptist School here in Salisbury as soon as we got down here and really liked school. He received an award at the end of the school year for the way in which he came and just "fit right in" with his class. Christina (now age 6) stayed out for the rest of the year and then began this year fresh in 1st grade. She is doing well in school, as well. Rebekah (now 22 months) has grown by leaps and bounds this year. She walks all over the place and gets into everything. We are thankful to the Lord for the children that He gave to us.

It has been neat to see the Lord working in our little church. We currently meet in two rented suites next to the Red Door Sub Shop in Salisbury. This location has limited us in our visibility, in our ability to have Sunday School and children's ministries, and in providing a sense that our church is here to stay, among other things. Despite that, however, God has been bringing new families out to the church and we are pleased with the progress. We are especially pleased that as of December 9, we have an agreement to purchase a church building that is not too far from where we currently meet. Lord willing, we will be closing on the purchase of our new church building at 1308 Robins Avenue in Salisbury.

One of the new attractions for us this year, has been visiting Assateague Island, about 45 minutes from our house. The island has a herd of wild horses that go throughout the island. While you are not allowed to touch the horses, they come up to you so that you easily could touch them if you were allowed. The island also has a nice beach area and other wild animals.

We are thankful to God for our family and friends and you are often in our thoughts, even if we do not communicate as much as we would like. We would love to hear from you and even have some of you come by for a visit. Drop us an e-mail or a letter some time, if you get the opportunity. We miss you and love you all.

In Christ,

Frank. Missy, Josiah, Christina, and Rebekah

File under Family_, Personal_

2005 Church Christmas Letter

Friday, December 23, 2005

The following is a copy of our 2005 Church Christmas Letter:

The Christmas season is upon us. A season in which there is much thought and concern put into the concept of gifts. Many children (and not a few adults) focus upon and delight in the anticipation of what gifts they may get during this season. Many adults run around from store to store consumed with getting the "right" gifts for all of those on their lists.

Too often in the hustle and bustle of what is going on at this season, we forget the most important gift of all - Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us in John 3:16 that "God so loved the world that He gaveHis only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The Bible relates to us the wonderful truth that Jesus Christ came to save us from our sin and that he lived a perfect, sinless life and died a cruel death on the cross of Calvary to be our Substitute and our Savior.

This is an exciting time at Messiah Baptist Fellowship. It is exciting to see new families coming out to church. It is also exciting because of the Lord's answer to prayer regarding a building. As of December 9, we have entered into an agreement to buy a new building. We are thankful to God for this answer to prayer and are looking forward to moving into the new building after the beginning of the year.

This is also a time of opportunities. It is a time for us to use the opportunities of this season to share with others the true meaning of Christmas. It is a time for us to use the opportunities of this season to gather together and worship "the new born King."

Whether you are a regular attender or whether you have not been out for awhile, we also have some specific opportunities and events at Messiah that we would like to encourage you to attend during this season.

Christmas Caroling and Fellowship. We will be going Christmas Caroling starting at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 17. We will meet at the club house of the Greens at Schumaker Pond - just off Beaglin Park Drive on College Lane. If you can't make the caroling, but would like to still come to the Fellowship, you can meet at the clubhouse at around 5:30 p.m. Call if you need directions.

Special Christmas Morning Service. We will be having our Christmas morning service at 10:45 a.m. and are looking forward to a blessed time as we enjoy a children's program and celebrate with a special Christmas Candlelight Communion as part of our service.

Special Building Fund Offering. On January 8, we will be having a special offering to help pay for the new building. Please prayerfully consider what you could give on that date. Also, if you would like to give toward the building before the end of the year (for tax purposes, etc.), you can mark it "Building Fund" and we will count it as part of the Special Offering.

May God give you a Blessed Christmas in which the Gift of Christ remains foremost in your mind.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone

This was originally posted on my Pastoral Blog - The Pastor's Pen.

File under Church_, Personal_


Sunday, December 18, 2005

On Dec. 7, I posted about a great online Bible resource that I had discovered called The site had a lot of neat resources that I had not seen online before and I was looking forward to using the site.

Unfortunately, there is a new message at the site, which reads:

Will are looking to Reopen in January 2006

To be able to continue with our services, we are looking to charge a monthly fee of $2.

To make matters worse, as you read further down the page, you find this comment:

It is true that we do carry some works that are still in "copyright". BUT, we simply do not agree that these laws are pleasing to the Lord, as they clearly hinder His work.

While I may wish that Christian authors would willingly surrender their "copyright" rights in some cases so as to make the material available for those who could use the material, I do not agree with this site's decision to ignore and openly violate the law.

Sorry, Andy and others who had viewed the site and had as much hope for it as I did.

BTW, Andy, if you have not yet gotten E-Sword or PowerBible, one or both of these should prove helpful.

Just my thoughts,


She stands by her Man-nequin

Friday, December 16, 2005

For the "Too Strange for Fiction" category:

I came across this news clip today about a woman trying to cope with her husband being away for a Navy stint in a submarine.

A Woman and Her Mannequin

Please note: This is a video clip from ABC News and a high-speed connection is recommended.

I appreciate her husband's service to this country, but I would not want to be him once my crew mates saw this!

Just my thoughts,


The Best and The Brightest - The Idea of Fundamentalism and the Movement of Fundamentalism

Monday, December 12, 2005

File under Popular_, Fundamentalism_, Christianity_, Hot_Issues

I don't like having something in an incomplete state hanging over my head, so I am going to go ahead and post my final(?) installment of the The Best and The Brightest discussion that we have been having. I hope that I am not taking a bat to Man-O-War here (i.e. beating a dead horse).

For those just joining us, the articles in this series are given here:
The Best and the Brightest
The Best and the Brightest - Redux
The Best and the Brightest - Criteria for Evaluation
The Best and the Brightest - Handling Questions
The Best and the Brightest - The Idea of Fundamentalism and the Movement of Fundamentalism

As I mentioned in my post, The Best and the Brightest - Redux, there were essentially three areas that were brought up in the comments by Michael regarding the article entitled The Best and the Brightest.

My response to the first area is in the article entitled, The Best and The Brightest - Criteria for Evaluation.

My response to the second area is in the article entitled, The Best and The Brightest - Handling Questions.

This final post in this series deals with the third area that was brought up in the comments, namely, - what Fundamentalism are the young guys supposedly leaving?

In Michael's comments, he addresses the view that the young guys do not have a problem with the idea of Fundamentalism, just the movement of Fundamentalism.

Specifically, Michael made the following comments:

The second answer lies in our semantics. How do you walk away from fundamentalism? Most of the best and brightest who have left the movement still subscribe to the idea of fundamentalism. What does that make them? Traditional reasoning says if you are not a fundamentalist you must be a new evangelical or a liberal. This may have been true in the '60s and '70s, but I find fewer people and churches today define themselves according to a movement.

The issue that comes up from this comment is the question of the "idea" of Fundamentalism as distinct from the "movement" of Fundamentalism. I believe that this is an important issue, but an issue that is not quite so "cut and dried." I will also admit that I am still developing my thinking in this area, so don't take this as my final word on the matter as I think through it and be gentle as you rip me.

When we speak of Fundamentalism as a movement, of what do we speak? Is it the FBF? Is it the "Bob Jones Denominational Network" (to quote some of the anti-BJU propaganda)? Is it the Free Presbyterians or the FFBC? Is it the OBF? Is it all those who have been to The Wilds and thrown their stick in the fire? The reality seems to me that when you speak of Fundamentalism, there is a degree in which to speak of it as a "movement" is impossible if the concept of movement is monolithic. Even the bigger umbrella groups like the ACCC can't and don't claim to speak for the whole "movement" as the authoritative voice of Fundamentalism.

When I am defending Fundamentalism, I am not ultimately defending some movement that can be tangibly held to and supported - as such. The nature of Fundamentalism does not lend itself to being controlled and organized by some leader or group of leaders. Instead, when we speak of the "movement" of Fundamentalism, it seems to me that we are actually talking about a wide variety of groups who, while differing in many ways, are unified in that they agree in the importance of standing firmly upon the issues of the Fundamentals and the militant defense of those Fundamentals (including the practicing of separation from apostasy and from disobedient brothers).

I agree perhaps part of the problem lies in the semantics regarding fundamentalism. I am not arguing for the movement, so much as the idea, as properly understood. I would say, however, and this is important, that those who genuinely subscribe to the idea of Fundamentalism will not find themselves without some fellowship within the "movement" of Fundamentalism (as broadly understood). I would also say that often (not necessarily always) those guys who claim to be retaining the "idea" of Fundamentalism while shedding the "movement" tend to reveal that they have abandoned more than the "movement" when one examines their ministries and considers the associations that they do make.

I might not go quite as far as Dr. Dave Doran on this topic, but I believe he is close with his assessment of this concept.
In terms of the "movement" ... in other forums I have stated that I don't believe there is a "movement" any longer. So, please don't take anything that I have written as being aimed at preserving some movement. I do believe that likeminded churches and ministries will align with each other when they deem it appropriate and helpful.

Just my thoughts,


File under Popular_, Fundamentalism_, Christianity_, Hot_Issues

A Statement of Praise

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Praise the Lord!

As many of you probably know (especially if you look at my profile above), I serve as Pastor of Messiah Baptist Fellowship - An Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in Salisbury, Maryland. The church celebrated its seventh anniversary in October. For the majority of those seven years, the church has been meeting next to the Red Door Sub Shop in the South Salisbury Plaza in Salisbury and we have been praying for God to provide us with a building or some property that we could use for His glory.

For the last few months we have been praying for a specific church building here in Salisbury that was/is occupied by a church that is moving to a different location. This building has a good location that is easily accessible and not too far from our current location. The building itself is in pretty good shape and has room for us to grow as well as rooms for us to have Sunday School, fellowships, children's ministries, and offices. It even has a kitchen and our own bathrooms (that will make more sense to our own people than to most others who may read this).

Anyway, during the last month in particular, we have been in negotiations in an attempt to secure this building. Rather than being standard negotiations through a real estate agent, this was direct negotiations with the selling church. The matter was complicated by the fact that there was another church interested in the property as well and the selling church did not want to have the interested churches get into a bidding war, so they were dealing with two churches that both wanted the building and were offering the same thing and they were needing to decide between the two identical offers. (I would not have wanted to be in their place.) We have been praying that God's will would be done and that God would give them wisdom in making their selection.

To continue my long story, the Pastor called me and told me that they had decided to sign our contract!! Praise the Lord!!! Our people are excited. I am excited. I know some of you have been praying with us and I imagine you will be excited for us, as well.

We still have the normal aspects to deal with regarding the buying of the property (e.g. the seller has a contingency regarding the building they are buying, financing needs to be finalized, etc.), but at this point it is a go and I praise the Lord for His working in this situation.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying with us for this building.

Just my thoughts,


A Bible Study Aid Online

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I recently ran across a nice Bible reference site online that I had not seen before. It has a number of things that are helpful. Some of them are part of other resources that I have highlighted in my Sansone Family Annotated Links, but there are a few things on here that I think are great to have quick access to (assuming you have high-speed internet).

In particular, I found it was great to be able to look through the 10 Volume TDNT (Kittel) on the computer and to be able to do some quick checking that would have taken me longer using my hardback version.

The Web-Site lists the following in its description of what is available on the site.

F C Keil & F Delitzsch - Commentary on the Old Testament (10 volumes)
Gerhard Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich - The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (10 volumes)
Colin Brown - New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
Brown, Driver, & Briggs - Complete Hebrew-English Lexicon
J H Thayer - Greek-English Lexicon (unabridged)
Albert Barnes - Notes on the New Testament
R A Torrey - The Fundamentals (4 volumes)
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Walter Elwell - Evangelical Commentary on the Bible
Walter Elwell - Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology
Walter Martin - Kingdom of the Cults
Josh Mcdowell - Answers to Tough Questions
Philip Schaff - History of the Christian Church (8 volumes)
Charles G Finney - Lectures on Theology
Jacob Arminus - Complete Works
John Calvin - The Institutes
Flavius Josephus - Complete Works
Andrew R Fausset - Bible Dictionary
Robert Dabney - Systematic Theology

and much more!

AS ALWAYS, A DISCLAIMER: The fact that the following sites are linked, does not indicate endorsement from Pastor Frank Sansone, the Sansone family, Messiah Baptist Fellowship, or anyone associated with this site. Sites are included here with the hope that you may find the information useful. We are not responsible for the positions, associations, or content of the sites that are listed. The sites are responsible for their own content.

Just my thoughts,


Beautiful Snow

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

We had snowfall yesterday here in Salisbury - and it is pretty.

Now for my readers in Canada and Minneapolis, snow may not be a big deal, but one of my wife's big joys of life is playing in the snow and when we in the process of moving down here to Salisbury it was made pretty clear that with the way Salisbury is located on the Eastern Shore, we would not see much (if any) snow.

Of course, my wife is out of town in Ohio and not able to join us in the snow (I love you dear if you are reading this), but it is nice to have some snow here in Salisbury, and to me it bodes well for the rest of the winter.

Snow has some qualities about it that make it different from just about anything else. Snow is white and gives the appearances of being pure (at least until the cars and kids track in it). It is light and it covers everything. I am sure most of you know snow and have your own view of snow.

Repeatedly in the Bible we have allusions to snow. A few favorites of mine for you to ponder on this snow day are below:

Snow reminds us of the cleansing that we have through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Snow reminds us of the value of being a faithful messenger.
Proverbs 25:13 As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to them that send him: for he refresheth the soul of his masters.

Snow reminds us of the promise that God's Word will accomplish the purpose for which it is sent.
Isaiah 55:10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Snow reminds us of the message of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Mt 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
2 And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
3 His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
4 And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.
5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

Just my thoughts on this snowy day,


File under Bible_, Devotional_

Teen Dies After Kissing Boyfriend

Monday, December 05, 2005

I am sure this is tragic to all those involved, so I am trying not to make fun of the situation itself. I did shake my head and read this twice when I saw it, however.

Teen Dies After Kissing Boyfriend
November 29, 2005 8:00 a.m. EST
Christina Ficara - All Headline News Staff Reporter

Saguenay, Quebec (AHN) - A 15-year-old girl is dead after kissing her boyfriend. The teen, who is allergic to peanuts, unknowingly kissed her boyfriend who had just eaten a peanut butter snack.

Full article:

While this whole story is begging for comments, the more refined part of me will refrain from most of the comments that I want to make.

I did want you to notice that she unknowingly kissed her boyfriend - bet that was tough!

Just my thoughts,


Sansone Family Annotated Links

Sunday, December 04, 2005

For those of you who have not made it over to my family sight (I am guessing that would be most of you), on that site I have my Sansone Family Annotated Links, which has some resources that you may find helpful.

This is a work in progress, but I think it is off to a good start, at least.

As always, notice the disclaimer that I have on the top of the page.

Just my thoughts,
