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Recommended Blogs for Pastors - Part 2

Friday, July 13, 2007

In an earlier post, I asked about recommended blogs for Pastors and I got a couple of responses (feel free to add more at the end of this post or at that post).

However, this question is slightly different.

My question in this regard is in the nature of the list that I should compile (I have another question regarding this same list that I am going to ask in another post in just a minute related to "Readers" such as Bloglines, NewsGator, and Google Reader.)

I currently use Bloglines and have a number of blogs that I subscribe to regarding Bloglines. In my blogline subscription, I have 59 feeds and find that there are some which I check every time I see that there is a post on that subscription (usually starting with the ones of guys I know - such as Chris, Don, Greg, Andy, etc.), but there are others that I do not check as soon as I see they have something, but I do check them if I happen to have been blessed with a little extra time when I am online.

So, my question is:
If you were to be given a list at a conference of some blogs to check out and to be aware of, would you rather that list be pretty large or pretty selective?

I can see arguments for both sides of this, so I was wanting some additional input. If you could tell me what you prefer, that would be good. If you could tell me why, that would be even better.

Also, how would the fact that a majority of the Pastors to whom this list would be going are probably not regular readers of hardly anything in the blogosphere affect which things you would recommend?

I would appreciate some feedback from the readers on this if you have a minute.

Looking for your thoughts,



Greg Linscott said...

I would say a list of no more than 10-20, with explanations of why each one is recommended (as well as the standard Fundy disclaimers! :-) ). They can always follow links on others blogrolls if they are so inclined.