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A good read and a new blog?

Monday, November 21, 2005

I have not started to do any blog recommendations yet. Partly because I still cannot figure out how to add a blog roll to the side of this template.

I will say, howver, that Mark Perry seems to have consistently good stuff that is worth reading over at Every Thought, Every Word.

On a more tangential note, Pastor Don Johnson's last post in the comments section of the Due Process discussion mentions the possibility of his starting a blog.

Pastor Johsnon, if you are reading this (is that you who visits from British Columbia?), I say come aboard, Pastor Johnson. Anybody can do it (considering the fact that I have one now).

From various conversations around the blogosphere, do I get a prize if I recommend the winning title for your blog? If so, I would respectfully recommend "The Canadian Curmudgeon's Cogitations"? (But maybe that is too long?)

Just my thoughts,



Don Johnson said...

Hi Frank

Yes,that would be me...

Thanks for the suggestion. I definitely am thinking along those lines. I told Greg L, I think, that I need a name that is grumpy, fundamentalist, and Canadian.


Stay tuned! As soon as I have some time, and a name, I'll be launching something. Not sure if it will be a blaze of glory, but it will be ... something.

Don Johnson
Jer 33.3

Frank Sansone said...

Pastor Johnson,

I will be looking forward to reading it when you get it launched.

I thought that was likely you, but I wanted to bait someone into at least making a comment :).

BTW, I appreciate the discussion and thinking along the lines of the multiple purposes for separation that you have been having in a few places across the blogosphere.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone