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More Tweaks to the Blog

Friday, November 25, 2005

Well, the changes I made initially did not seem to work well.

I changed things to another template that Greg Linscott mentioned, but I could not figure out how to personalize it the way that I wanted. (I am sure the problem is with me not the template.)

Finally, I am back to basically the same thing, with an expanded area for the main part of the blog. Hopefully this works better.

Greg (or someone else with Firefox), if it still does not look right in Firefox, please let me know.

Michael C., I am working on a response to your comment, but it will probably not be until after Sunday that I get the time to actually write it and post it.

I am putting up a "junk post" after this so that there is at least something else posted, but I thought it was kind of an intersting concept.

Just my thoughts,



Greg Linscott said...

Looks good, Frank!